GeoBlazor Pro

layout: pro title: ReshapeOptions parent: Pro Classes grand_parent: GeoBlazor Pro —



ReshapeOptions Class

Changes the behavior for the reshape tool. Defines the operations for edge and/or the constraints for moving a shape and/or a vertex. Only supported in 3D.

public class ReshapeOptions :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 ReshapeOptions

Implements System.IEquatable<ReshapeOptions>


ReshapeOptions(string, string, string) Constructor

Changes the behavior for the reshape tool. Defines the operations for edge and/or the constraints for moving a shape and/or a vertex. Only supported in 3D.

public ReshapeOptions(string EdgeOperation, string ShapeOperation, string VertexOperation);


EdgeOperation System.String

Sets the reshape operation on the edge. This affects lines and polygons. Fully supported in 3D, partially in 2D.
Possible Values:”none”|”split”|”offset”. Default Value: split.

ShapeOperation System.String

Sets the move constraints for the whole shape. Supported in 2D and 3D.
Possible Values:”none”|”move”|”move-xy”. Default Value: move.

VertexOperation System.String

Sets the move constraints for the vertex. Only supported in 3D.
Possible Values:”move”|”move-xy”. Default Value: move.


ReshapeOptions.EdgeOperation Property

Sets the reshape operation on the edge. This affects lines and polygons. Fully supported in 3D, partially in 2D.
Possible Values:”none”|”split”|”offset”. Default Value: split.

public string EdgeOperation { get; set; }

Property Value


ReshapeOptions.ShapeOperation Property

Sets the move constraints for the whole shape. Supported in 2D and 3D.
Possible Values:”none”|”move”|”move-xy”. Default Value: move.

public string ShapeOperation { get; set; }

Property Value


ReshapeOptions.VertexOperation Property

Sets the move constraints for the vertex. Only supported in 3D.
Possible Values:”move”|”move-xy”. Default Value: move.

public string VertexOperation { get; set; }

Property Value
