layout: default title: RasterMultidimensionalInfo parent: Core Classes —



RasterMultidimensionalInfo Class

RasterMultidimensionalInfo contains dimensions for each variable in the service describing information about the images collected at multiple times, depths, or heights.

public class RasterMultidimensionalInfo :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 RasterMultidimensionalInfo

Implements System.IEquatable<RasterMultidimensionalInfo>


RasterMultidimensionalInfo(RasterMultidimensionalVariable[]) Constructor

RasterMultidimensionalInfo contains dimensions for each variable in the service describing information about the images collected at multiple times, depths, or heights.

public RasterMultidimensionalInfo(dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.RasterMultidimensionalVariable[] Variables);


Variables RasterMultidimensionalVariable[]

The multi dimensional variables. It stores information such as name, unit and dimensions. For example, a temperature variable can store temperature data and the salinity variable can store the salinity data measured daily at different depths.


RasterMultidimensionalInfo.Variables Property

The multi dimensional variables. It stores information such as name, unit and dimensions. For example, a temperature variable can store temperature data and the salinity variable can store the salinity data measured daily at different depths.

public dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.RasterMultidimensionalVariable[] Variables { get; set; }

Property Value
