CoreIndex has a complete list of classes ordered by Namespace.
Use the internal links to navigate between classes, or use the search bar above.
Each class also has a link to the relevant page of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Table of contents
- CoreIndex
- AbortManager
- AbortManagerResult
- ActionBase
- ActionButton
- ActionToggle
- ActiveTool
- Address
- AddressCandidate
- AddressQuery
- Algorithm
- AlgorithmicColorRamp
- AnalyticsCapability
- ArcadeReturnType
- AreaUnit
- Attachment
- AttachmentCapability
- AttachmentEdit
- AttachmentsPopupContent
- AttributesDictionary
- AuthMode
- AuthenticationManager
- BarChartMediaInfo
- BarcodeScannerInput
- BaseTileLayer
- Basemap
- BasemapGalleryWidget
- BasemapLayerListWidget
- BasemapLayerListWidgetVisibleElements
- BasemapStyle
- BasemapStyleName
- BasemapToggleWidget
- BingImageryStyle
- BingMapsLayer
- BlendMode
- BlurEvent
- Bookmark
- BookmarkSelectEvent
- BookmarksWidget
- BreakPoint
- CSVDelimiter
- CSVLayer
- Cardinality
- ChartMediaInfoValue
- ChartMediaInfoValueSeries
- ClickEvent
- CodedValueDomain_T_
- CodedValue_T_
- ColorRamp
- ColorRampType
- ColorStop
- ColorVariable
- ColumnChartMediaInfo
- ComboBoxInput
- CompassWidget
- Constraints
- CreatePopupTemplateOptions
- CustomOverlay
- DataCapability
- DateTimePickerInput
- DeconflictionStrategy
- DefaultSymbol
- DependencyExtension
- Dimension
- DimensionalDefinition
- Direction
- DomPointerEvent
- Domain
- DragAction
- DragEvent
- DrawingTool
- DrawingToolStringConverter
- DynamicDataLayer
- DynamicDataSource
- DynamicJoinType
- DynamicLayer
- DynamicLayerField
- DynamicMapLayer
- EditError
- EditedFeatureResult
- EditedFeatureUpdate
- EditedFeatures
- EditingCapability
- Effect
- ElementExpressionInfo
- ElevationLayer
- EnumToKebabCaseStringConverter_T_
- ExpandWidget
- ExpressionInfo
- ExpressionPopupContent
- Extent
- ExtentQueryResult
- FeatureEditOptions
- FeatureEditResult
- FeatureEdits
- FeatureEditsResult
- FeatureEffect
- FeatureFilter
- FeatureLayer
- FeatureLayerCapabilities
- FeatureLayerView
- FeatureSet
- FeatureTemplate
- FeatureType
- Field
- FieldElement
- FieldInfo
- FieldInfoFormat
- FieldType
- FieldValueType
- FieldsIndex
- FieldsPopupContent
- FillStyle
- FillSymbol
- FocusEvent
- FormElement
- FormInput
- FormTemplate
- GeoBlazorSettings
- GeoJSONLayer
- GeoRSSLayer
- GeographicTransformation
- GeographicTransformationStep
- Geometry
- GeometryEngine
- GeometryEngineAreaUnit
- GeometryType
- GetResultsParameters
- GetSuggestionsParameters
- GoToOptions
- GoToOverrideParameters
- GoToTarget
- Graphic
- GraphicHit
- GraphicsLayer
- GroundIntersectionResult
- GroupElement
- HighlightHandle
- HighlightOptions
- HitTestOptions
- HitTestResult
- HomeWidget
- HorizontalAlignment
- IFeatureReductionLayer
- IImageryRenderer
- IPopupTemplateLayer
- ImageFormat
- ImageMediaInfo
- ImageMediaInfoValue
- ImageryLayer
- ImageryTileLayer
- InheritedDomain
- InvalidChildElementException
- JavascriptError
- JavascriptException
- JoinTableDataSource
- JoinType
- JsEvent
- JsModuleManager
- KMLLayer
- KeyDownEvent
- KeyUpEvent
- Label
- LabelExpressionInfo
- LabelPlacement
- LabelPlacementStringConverter
- LabelPosition
- Layer
- LayerFloorInfo
- LayerInfo
- LayerListWidget
- LayerObject
- LayerSearchSource
- LayerSearchSourceFilter
- LayerView
- LayerViewCreateErrorEvent
- LayerViewCreateEvent
- LayerViewCreateInternalEvent
- LayerViewDestroyEvent
- LegendOptions
- LegendStyle
- LegendStyleLayout
- LegendStyleType
- LegendWidget
- LengthUnit
- LineChartMediaInfo
- LineStyle
- LineSymbol
- LinearUnit
- ListItem
- ListItemPanel
- ListMode
- LocateWidget
- LocationType
- Locator
- LocatorSearchLocationType
- LocatorSearchSource
- LocatorSearchSourceFilter
- LogicComponent
- LookupTypeAttribute
- Map
- MapColor
- MapComponent
- MapFont
- MapImageExportMap
- MapImageExportTiles
- MapImageFormat
- MapImageLayer
- MapImageLayerCapabilities
- MapImageOperations
- MapPath
- MapPoint
- MapView
- MarkerSymbol
- MeasurementWidget
- MediaInfo
- MediaPopupContent
- MetadataCapability
- MissingMapException
- MissingMapViewReferenceException
- MissingRequiredChildElementException
- MissingRequiredOptionsChildElementException
- Mode
- MouseWheelEvent
- MultidimensionalSubset
- MultipartColorRamp
- NearestPointResult
- OpacityStop
- OpacityVariable
- OpenStreetMapLayer
- OperationsCapability
- OrderBy
- OrderedLayerOrderBy
- OriginPosition
- Outline
- OverlayPosition
- ParameterValue
- PictureFillSymbol
- PictureMarkerSymbol
- PieChartMediaInfo
- PixelInterpolation
- PixelSize
- PixelType
- Point
- PointerEvent
- PointerType
- PolyLine
- Polygon
- PopupAlignment
- PopupContent
- PopupDockOptions
- PopupDockPosition
- PopupOpenOptions
- PopupOptions
- PopupTemplate
- PopupVisibleElements
- PopupWidget
- Portal
- PortalBasemapsSource
- PortalItem
- Projection
- QuantizationMode
- QuantizationParameters
- Query
- QueryCapability
- QueryRelatedCapability
- QueryTableDataSource
- QueryTopFeaturesCapability
- RadioButtonsInput
- RangeDomain
- RangeValue
- RasterBandInfo
- RasterBandStatistics
- RasterDataSource
- RasterDataType
- RasterDimension
- RasterHistogram
- RasterInfo
- RasterMultidimensionalInfo
- RasterMultidimensionalVariable
- RasterSensorInfo
- RasterStatistics
- RasterStretchRenderer
- RelatedRecordsInfoFieldOrder
- Relationship
- RelationshipPopupContent
- RelationshipQuery
- Renderer
- RendererType
- RequestMethod
- RequestOptions
- RequiredPropertyAttribute
- ResizeEvent
- ResponseType
- ReturnType
- Role
- RotationType
- RotationVariable
- ScaleBarWidget
- ScaleUnit
- SceneView
- ScreenPoint
- SearchMenu
- SearchResponse
- SearchResult
- SearchResultResponse
- SearchSource
- SearchWidget
- SimpleFillSymbol
- SimpleLineSymbol
- SimpleMarkerStyle
- SimpleMarkerSymbol
- SimpleRenderer
- SizeStop
- SizeVariable
- SliderDragState
- SliderLayout
- SliderMaxChangeEvent
- SliderMaxClickEvent
- SliderMinChangeEvent
- SliderMinClickEvent
- SliderSegmentClickEvent
- SliderSegmentDragEvent
- SliderState
- SliderThumbChangeEvent
- SliderThumbClickEvent
- SliderThumbDragEvent
- SliderThumbDragState
- SliderTickClickEvent
- SliderTickConfig
- SliderTrackClickEvent
- SliderVisibleElements
- SliderWidget
- SortOrder
- SpatialReference
- SpatialReferenceInfo
- SpatialRelationship
- SqlFormat
- StatisticDefinition
- StatisticParameters
- StatisticType
- StretchType
- Sublayer
- SublayerCapabilities
- SublayerData
- SublayerOperations
- SuggestResponse
- SuggestResult
- SuggestResultResponse
- SuggestionResult
- SupportedSpatialStatisticAggregations
- SwitchInput
- Symbol
- TableDataSource
- TemporalTime
- TextAreaInput
- TextBoxInput
- TextPopupContent
- TextSymbol
- Thumbnail
- TickConfigMode
- TickElementGroup
- TileInfo
- TileInfoFormat
- TileLayer
- TimeEnumToKebabCaseStringConverter_T_
- TimeExtent
- TimeInfo
- TimeInterval
- TopFeaturesQuery
- TopFilter
- UnMatchedTargetNameException
- UniqueValueInfo
- UniqueValueRenderer
- UniqueValueRendererLegendOptions
- VectorTileLayer
- VerticalAlignment
- ViewExtentUpdate
- ViewHit
- Viewpoint
- VisualAxis
- VisualValueRepresentation
- VisualValueUnit
- VisualVariable
- VisualVariableType
- WCSLayer
- WebMap
- WebScene
- WebTileLayer
- Widget