layout: default title: BaseTileLayer parent: Core Classes —



BaseTileLayer Class

This class may be extended to create a custom TileLayer. Tile layers are composed of images, such as satellite imagery, that are composed of square tiles mosaicked together in columns and rows, giving the layer the appearance that it is one continuous image. These layers have several levels of detail (LOD) that permit users to zoom in to any region of the map and load additional tiles that depict features in higher resolution at larger map scales.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

public class BaseTileLayer : dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.Layer

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase 🡒 MapComponent 🡒 Layer 🡒 BaseTileLayer



BaseTileLayer() Constructor

Parameterless constructor for use as a razor component

public BaseTileLayer();

BaseTileLayer(Nullable, Effect, Nullable, Nullable, Nullable, SpatialReference) Constructor

Constructor for use in code

public BaseTileLayer(System.Nullable<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.BlendMode> blendMode=null, dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.Effect? effect=null, System.Nullable<double> maxScale=null, System.Nullable<double> minScale=null, System.Nullable<double> refreshInterval=null, dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Geometries.SpatialReference? spatialReference=null);


blendMode System.Nullable<BlendMode>

Blend modes are used to blend layers together to create an interesting effect in a layer, or even to produce what seems like a new layer. Unlike the method of using transparency which can result in a washed-out top layer, blend modes can create a variety of very vibrant and intriguing results by blending a layer with the layer(s) below it.

effect Effect

Effect provides various filter functions that can be performed on the layer to achieve different visual effects similar to how image filters work. This powerful capability allows you to apply css filter-like functions to layers to create custom visual effects to enhance the cartographic quality of your maps. This is done by applying the desired effect to the layer’s effect property as a string or an array of objects to set scale dependent effects.

maxScale System.Nullable<System.Double>

The maximum scale (most zoomed in) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed in beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a maximum scale. The maxScale value should always be smaller than the minScale value, and greater than or equal to the service specification.

minScale System.Nullable<System.Double>

The minimum scale (most zoomed out) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed out beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a minimum scale. The minScale value should always be larger than the maxScale value, and less than or equal to the service specification.

refreshInterval System.Nullable<System.Double>

Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Value of 0 indicates no refresh.

spatialReference SpatialReference

The spatial reference of the layer.


BaseTileLayer.BlendMode Property

Blend modes are used to blend layers together to create an interesting effect in a layer, or even to produce what seems like a new layer. Unlike the method of using transparency which can result in a washed-out top layer, blend modes can create a variety of very vibrant and intriguing results by blending a layer with the layer(s) below it.

public System.Nullable<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.BlendMode> BlendMode { get; set; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.Effect Property

Effect provides various filter functions that can be performed on the layer to achieve different visual effects similar to how image filters work. This powerful capability allows you to apply css filter-like functions to layers to create custom visual effects to enhance the cartographic quality of your maps. This is done by applying the desired effect to the layer’s effect property as a string or an array of objects to set scale dependent effects.

public dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.Effect? Effect { get; set; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.LayerType Property

Used internally to identify the sub type of Layer

public override string LayerType { get; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.MaxScale Property

The maximum scale (most zoomed in) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed in beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a maximum scale. The maxScale value should always be smaller than the minScale value, and greater than or equal to the service specification.
Default Value: 0

public System.Nullable<double> MaxScale { get; set; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.MinScale Property

The minimum scale (most zoomed out) at which the layer is visible in the view. If the map is zoomed out beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a minimum scale. The minScale value should always be larger than the maxScale value, and less than or equal to the service specification.
Default Value: 0

public System.Nullable<double> MinScale { get; set; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.RefreshInterval Property

Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Value of 0 indicates no refresh.
Default Value:0

public System.Nullable<double> RefreshInterval { get; set; }

Property Value


BaseTileLayer.SpatialReference Property

The spatial reference of the layer.
Default Value:SpatialReference.WebMercator

public dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Geometries.SpatialReference? SpatialReference { get; set; }

Property Value



BaseTileLayer.GetTileBounds(int, int, int) Method

Returns the bounds of the tile as an array of four numbers that be readily converted to an Extent object.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<double[]> GetTileBounds(int level, int row, int col);


level System.Int32

The level of detail (LOD) of the tile.

row System.Int32

The tile’s row (y) position in the dataset.

col System.Int32

The tile’s column (x) position in the dataset.


Returns an array with the following structure: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

BaseTileLayer.GetTileBoundsAsExtent(int, int, int) Method

Returns the bounds of the tile as an Extent object.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Geometries.Extent> GetTileBoundsAsExtent(int level, int row, int col);


level System.Int32

The level of detail (LOD) of the tile.

row System.Int32

The tile’s row (y) position in the dataset.

col System.Int32

The tile’s column (x) position in the dataset.



BaseTileLayer.GetTileInfo() Method

Retrieves the tiling scheme information for the layer.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.TileInfo?> GetTileInfo();



BaseTileLayer.RegisterChildComponent(MapComponent) Method

Called from dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.MapComponent.OnInitializedAsync to “Register” the current component with it’s parent.

public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task RegisterChildComponent(dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.MapComponent child);


child MapComponent

The calling, child component to register




Throws if the current child is not a valid sub-component to the parent.


This method is an implementation detail and should not be called directly by consumers. In future versions, this may be changed to an internal method. If you see no other way to register a child component, please open an issue on GitHub.

BaseTileLayer.SetEffect(Effect) Method

Changes the current effect on the layer.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task SetEffect(dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers.Effect effect);


effect Effect

The effect to apply to the layer.



BaseTileLayer.UnregisterChildComponent(MapComponent) Method

Undoes the “Registration” of a child with its parent.

public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task UnregisterChildComponent(dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.MapComponent child);


child MapComponent

The child to unregister




This method is an implementation detail and should not be called directly by consumers. In future versions, this may be changed to an internal method.