layout: default title: MapImageExportMap parent: Core Classes —



MapImageExportMap Class

Indicates options supported by the exportMap operation. Will be null if the supportsExportMap is false.

public class MapImageExportMap :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 MapImageExportMap

Implements System.IEquatable<MapImageExportMap>


MapImageExportMap(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) Constructor

Indicates options supported by the exportMap operation. Will be null if the supportsExportMap is false.

public MapImageExportMap(bool SupportsArcadeExpressionForLabeling, bool SupportsDynamicLayers, bool SupportsSublayersChanges, bool SupportsSublayerDefinitionExpression, bool SupportsSublayerVisibility, bool SupportsCIMSymbols);


SupportsArcadeExpressionForLabeling System.Boolean

Indicates if sublayers support Arcade expressions for labeling. Only applies to MapImageLayer.

SupportsDynamicLayers System.Boolean

Indicates if sublayers rendering can be modified or added using dynamic layers.

SupportsSublayersChanges System.Boolean

Indicates if sublayers can be added, or removed. supportsDynamicLayers must be true as well to be able to reorder sublayers.

SupportsSublayerDefinitionExpression System.Boolean

Indicates if sublayers definition expression can be set.

SupportsSublayerVisibility System.Boolean

Indicates if sublayers visibility can be changed.

SupportsCIMSymbols System.Boolean

Indicates if CIMSymbol can be used in a sublayer’s renderer.


MapImageExportMap.SupportsArcadeExpressionForLabeling Property

Indicates if sublayers support Arcade expressions for labeling. Only applies to MapImageLayer.

public bool SupportsArcadeExpressionForLabeling { get; set; }

Property Value


MapImageExportMap.SupportsCIMSymbols Property

Indicates if CIMSymbol can be used in a sublayer’s renderer.

public bool SupportsCIMSymbols { get; set; }

Property Value


MapImageExportMap.SupportsDynamicLayers Property

Indicates if sublayers rendering can be modified or added using dynamic layers.

public bool SupportsDynamicLayers { get; set; }

Property Value


MapImageExportMap.SupportsSublayerDefinitionExpression Property

Indicates if sublayers definition expression can be set.

public bool SupportsSublayerDefinitionExpression { get; set; }

Property Value


MapImageExportMap.SupportsSublayersChanges Property

Indicates if sublayers can be added, or removed. supportsDynamicLayers must be true as well to be able to reorder sublayers.

public bool SupportsSublayersChanges { get; set; }

Property Value


MapImageExportMap.SupportsSublayerVisibility Property

Indicates if sublayers visibility can be changed.

public bool SupportsSublayerVisibility { get; set; }

Property Value
