layout: default title: TickElementGroup parent: Core Classes —



TickElementGroup Class

The HTML Element nodes representing a single slider tick and its associated label.

public class TickElementGroup :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 TickElementGroup

Implements System.IEquatable<TickElementGroup>


TickElementGroup(Nullable, Nullable) Constructor

The HTML Element nodes representing a single slider tick and its associated label.

public TickElementGroup(System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference> TickElement, System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference> LabelElement);


TickElement System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference>

The HTMLElement representing a tick. You can add or modify the style of a tick by adding CSS classes to this element. You can also attach event listeners to this element.

LabelElement System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference>

The HTMLElement representing the label associated with the tick element. You can add or modify the style of a tick label by adding CSS classes to this element. You can also attach event listeners to this element.


TickElementGroup.LabelElement Property

The HTMLElement representing the label associated with the tick element. You can add or modify the style of a tick label by adding CSS classes to this element. You can also attach event listeners to this element.

public System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference> LabelElement { get; set; }

Property Value


TickElementGroup.TickElement Property

The HTMLElement representing a tick. You can add or modify the style of a tick by adding CSS classes to this element. You can also attach event listeners to this element.

public System.Nullable<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ElementReference> TickElement { get; set; }

Property Value
