GeoBlazor Pro

layout: pro title: AggregateField parent: Pro Classes grand_parent: GeoBlazor Pro —



AggregateField Class

Defines the aggregate fields used in a layer visualized with FeatureReductionBinning or FeatureReductionCluster. An
aggregate field aggregates data from a layer’s field using a statistic type such as the average or sum.

Maps SDK for JavaScript

public class AggregateField : dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.MapComponent

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase 🡒 dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.MapComponent 🡒 AggregateField


AggregateField() Constructor

Parameterless constructor for use as a Razor Component

public AggregateField();

AggregateField(string, Nullable, string, ExpressionInfo, string, Nullable) Constructor

Constructor for use in code

public AggregateField(string? alias=null, System.Nullable<bool> isAutoGenerated=null, string? name=null, dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Popups.ExpressionInfo? onStatisticExpression=null, string? onStatisticField=null, System.Nullable<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Pro.Components.Layers.AggregateStatisticType> statisticType=null);


alias System.String

The display name that describes the aggregate field in the Legend, Popup, and other UI elements.

isAutoGenerated System.Nullable<System.Boolean>

Indicates whether the field was created internally by the JS API’s rendering engine for default

name System.String

The name of the aggregate field. This should describe the layer’s field and aggregation method used. For example,

onStatisticExpression dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Popups.ExpressionInfo

An object containing an Arcade expression.

onStatisticField System.String

The name of the layer field to summarize with the given statisticsType.

statisticType System.Nullable<AggregateStatisticType>

Defines the type of statistic used to aggregate data returned from onStatisticField or onStatisticExpression.


AggregateField.Alias Property

The display name that describes the aggregate field in the Legend, Popup, and other UI elements.
Default Value: null

public string? Alias { get; set; }

Property Value


AggregateField.IsAutoGenerated Property

Indicates whether the field was created internally by the JS API’s rendering engine for default
FeatureReductionCluster visualizations. You should avoid setting or changing this value. If true,
then all other properties of the AggregateField are read-only.
Default Value:false

public System.Nullable<bool> IsAutoGenerated { get; set; }

Property Value


AggregateField.Name Property

The name of the aggregate field. This should describe the layer’s field and aggregation method used. For example,
if creating a field that contains the total population for a set of features with a population field, then you
could name this field total_population or popuplation_sum.
This field name must start with a letter, and may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore.

public string? Name { get; set; }

Property Value


AggregateField.OnStatisticExpression Property

An object containing an
Arcade expression, which
evaluates for each child feature represented by the aggregate graphic. All results of the expression will be
aggregated using the given StatisticType. This expression must follow the specification defined by

Visualization Profile

. Expressions must return a string or a number and may access data values from the
layer’s feature with the $feature profile variable.

public dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Popups.ExpressionInfo? OnStatisticExpression { get; set; }

Property Value


AggregateField.OnStatisticField Property

The name of the


to summarize with the given StatisticType.

public string? OnStatisticField { get; set; }

Property Value


AggregateField.StatisticType Property

Defines the type of statistic used to aggregate data returned from OnStatisticField or

public System.Nullable<dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Pro.Components.Layers.AggregateStatisticType> StatisticType { get; set; }

Property Value
