EditorWidget - Create and edit existing features on a layer
FeatureFormWidget - Advanced form for editing feature attributes
FeatureTemplatesWidget - Provides ready-made templates for editing features
SketchWidget - Select, draw, move, and delete geometric graphics by hand
GraphicsLegendWidget - Similar to the Core LegendWidget and LayerListWidget, but specifically designed for use with GraphicsLayers and Graphics. Allows custom labels, toggling visibility, and grouping by symbol
SwipeWidget - Provides a vertical or horizontal draggable bar for the user to quickly compare different layers or renderers
TimeSliderWidget - Used with FeatureLayers that include time data, allows a user to drag or animate changes over time on the map
TrackWidget - Provides real-time tracking of the user’s GPS signal
ArcGISRest - Provides a convenient wrapper around ArcGIS REST calls, including QueryDemographicData and the multi-use Request methods
Route - Generates step-by-step directions, lines, and points for navigating between locations
NetworkService - Provides information about travel to support the Route service
LabelCreator - Convenience tool for generating bin and cluster labels
PopupTemplateCreator - Convenience tool for generating popup templates for use with clustering
PieChartCreator - Convenience tool for generating Pie Chart symbols for features or clusters
Feature Reduction
FeatureReductionBinning - Reduces and summarizes point features into rectangular “bins”
FeatureReductionCluster - Reduces and summarizes point features into “clusters”
PieChartRenderer - Renders features with Pie Chart symbols