layout: default title: GeographicTransformationStep parent: Core Classes —
GeographicTransformationStep Class
Represents a step in the process of transforming coordinates from one geographic coordinate system to another. A
geographic transformation step can be constructed from a well-known ID (wkid) or a well known text (wkt) that
represents a geographic datum transformation.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript
public class GeographicTransformationStep
Inheritance System.Object 🡒 GeographicTransformationStep
GeographicTransformationStep.IsInverse Property
Indicates if the geographic transformation is inverted.
public System.Nullable<bool> IsInverse { get; set; }
Property Value
GeographicTransformationStep.Wkid Property
The well-known id (wkid) that represents a known geographic transformation.
public System.Nullable<double> Wkid { get; set; }
Property Value
GeographicTransformationStep.Wkt Property
The well-known text (wkt) that represents a known geographic transformation.
public string? Wkt { get; set; }