layout: default title: RasterBandInfo parent: Core Classes —



RasterBandInfo Class

RasterBandInfo class provides additional information for each raster band in an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. A band is represented by a single matrix of pixel values, and a raster with multiple bands contains multiple spatially coincident matrices of pixel values representing the same spatial area. Image services can include information such as the band name, band index value, wavelength range, the radiance gain, radiance bias, and solar irradiance. All other raster datasets will only contain the band index value.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

public class RasterBandInfo :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 RasterBandInfo

Implements System.IEquatable<RasterBandInfo>


RasterBandInfo(double, double, string, double, double, double, double, double) Constructor

RasterBandInfo class provides additional information for each raster band in an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. A band is represented by a single matrix of pixel values, and a raster with multiple bands contains multiple spatially coincident matrices of pixel values representing the same spatial area. Image services can include information such as the band name, band index value, wavelength range, the radiance gain, radiance bias, and solar irradiance. All other raster datasets will only contain the band index value.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

public RasterBandInfo(double MaxWavelength, double MinWavelength, string Name, double RadianceBias, double RadianceGain, double ReflectanceBias, double ReflectanceGain, double SolarIrradiance);


MaxWavelength System.Double

The maximum wavelength of the band.

MinWavelength System.Double

The minimum wavelength of the band.

Name System.String

The name of the band.

RadianceBias System.Double

The radiance bias of the band.

RadianceGain System.Double

The radiance gain of the band.

ReflectanceBias System.Double

The reflectance bias of the band.

ReflectanceGain System.Double

The reflectance gain of the band.

SolarIrradiance System.Double

The solar irradiance of the band.


RasterBandInfo.MaxWavelength Property

The maximum wavelength of the band.

public double MaxWavelength { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.MinWavelength Property

The minimum wavelength of the band.

public double MinWavelength { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.Name Property

The name of the band.

public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.RadianceBias Property

The radiance bias of the band.

public double RadianceBias { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.RadianceGain Property

The radiance gain of the band.

public double RadianceGain { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.ReflectanceBias Property

The reflectance bias of the band.

public double ReflectanceBias { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.ReflectanceGain Property

The reflectance gain of the band.

public double ReflectanceGain { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterBandInfo.SolarIrradiance Property

The solar irradiance of the band.

public double SolarIrradiance { get; set; }

Property Value
