layout: default title: QueryRelatedCapability parent: Core Classes —



QueryRelatedCapability Class

Indicates if the layer’s query operation supports querying features or records related to features in the layer.

public class QueryRelatedCapability :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 QueryRelatedCapability

Implements System.IEquatable<QueryRelatedCapability>


QueryRelatedCapability(bool, bool, bool, bool) Constructor

Indicates if the layer’s query operation supports querying features or records related to features in the layer.

public QueryRelatedCapability(bool SupportsCacheHint, bool SupportsCount, bool SupportsOrderBy, bool SupportsPagination);


SupportsCacheHint System.Boolean

Indicates if the relationship query operation supports a cache hint. This is valid only for hosted feature services.

SupportsCount System.Boolean

Indicates if the layer’s query response includes the number of features or records related to features in the layer.

SupportsOrderBy System.Boolean

Indicates if the related features or records returned in the query response can be ordered by one or more fields.

SupportsPagination System.Boolean

Indicates if the query response supports pagination for related features or records.


QueryRelatedCapability.SupportsCacheHint Property

Indicates if the relationship query operation supports a cache hint. This is valid only for hosted feature services.

public bool SupportsCacheHint { get; set; }

Property Value


QueryRelatedCapability.SupportsCount Property

Indicates if the layer’s query response includes the number of features or records related to features in the layer.

public bool SupportsCount { get; set; }

Property Value


QueryRelatedCapability.SupportsOrderBy Property

Indicates if the related features or records returned in the query response can be ordered by one or more fields.

public bool SupportsOrderBy { get; set; }

Property Value


QueryRelatedCapability.SupportsPagination Property

Indicates if the query response supports pagination for related features or records.

public bool SupportsPagination { get; set; }

Property Value
