layout: default title: EditingCapability parent: Core Classes —



EditingCapability Class

Describes editing capabilities that can be performed on the features in the layer via ApplyEdits().

public class EditingCapability :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 EditingCapability

Implements System.IEquatable<EditingCapability>


EditingCapability(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) Constructor

Describes editing capabilities that can be performed on the features in the layer via ApplyEdits().

public EditingCapability(bool SupportsDeleteByAnonymous, bool SupportsDeleteByOthers, bool SupportsGeometryUpdate, bool SupportsGlobalId, bool SupportsRollbackOnFailure, bool SupportsUpdateByAnonymous, bool SupportsUpdateByOthers, bool SupportsUploadWithItemId, bool SupportsUpdateWithoutM);


SupportsDeleteByAnonymous System.Boolean

Indicates if anonymous users can delete features created by others.

SupportsDeleteByOthers System.Boolean

Indicates if logged in users can delete features created by others.

SupportsGeometryUpdate System.Boolean

Indicates if the geometry of the features in the layer can be edited.

SupportsGlobalId System.Boolean

Indicates if the globalId values provided by the client are used in applyEdits.

SupportsRollbackOnFailure System.Boolean

Indicates if the globalId values provided by the client are used in applyEdits.

SupportsUpdateByAnonymous System.Boolean

Indicates if anonymous users can update features created by others.

SupportsUpdateByOthers System.Boolean

Indicates if logged in users can update features created by others.

SupportsUploadWithItemId System.Boolean

Indicates if the layer supports uploading attachments by UploadId.

SupportsUpdateWithoutM System.Boolean

Indicates if m-values must be provided when updating features.


EditingCapability.SupportsDeleteByAnonymous Property

Indicates if anonymous users can delete features created by others.

public bool SupportsDeleteByAnonymous { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsDeleteByOthers Property

Indicates if logged in users can delete features created by others.

public bool SupportsDeleteByOthers { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsGeometryUpdate Property

Indicates if the geometry of the features in the layer can be edited.

public bool SupportsGeometryUpdate { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsGlobalId Property

Indicates if the globalId values provided by the client are used in applyEdits.

public bool SupportsGlobalId { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsRollbackOnFailure Property

Indicates if the globalId values provided by the client are used in applyEdits.

public bool SupportsRollbackOnFailure { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsUpdateByAnonymous Property

Indicates if anonymous users can update features created by others.

public bool SupportsUpdateByAnonymous { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsUpdateByOthers Property

Indicates if logged in users can update features created by others.

public bool SupportsUpdateByOthers { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsUpdateWithoutM Property

Indicates if m-values must be provided when updating features.

public bool SupportsUpdateWithoutM { get; set; }

Property Value


EditingCapability.SupportsUploadWithItemId Property

Indicates if the layer supports uploading attachments by UploadId.

public bool SupportsUploadWithItemId { get; set; }

Property Value
