layout: default title: HitTestOptions parent: Core Classes —
HitTestOptions Class
Options to specify what is included in or excluded from the hitTest.
public class HitTestOptions :
Inheritance System.Object 🡒 HitTestOptions
Implements System.IEquatable<HitTestOptions>
HitTestOptions.ExcludeByGeoBlazorId Property
A list of layers and/or graphics GeoBlazor Ids (Guid) to exclude from the hitTest. No layers or graphics will be
excluded if exclude is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>? ExcludeByGeoBlazorId { get; set; }
Property Value
HitTestOptions.ExcludeGraphicsByArcGISId Property
A list of graphic ArcGIS OBJECTID attributes to exclude in the hitTest. No layers and graphics will be excluded if
exclude is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>? ExcludeGraphicsByArcGISId { get; set; }
Property Value
HitTestOptions.ExcludeLayersByArcGISId Property
A list of layer ArcGIS Ids (aka FIELDID or OBJECTID) to exclude in the hitTest. No layers and graphics will be
excluded if exclude is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>? ExcludeLayersByArcGISId { get; set; }
Property Value
HitTestOptions.IncludeByGeoBlazorId Property
A list of layers and/or graphics GeoBlazor Ids (Guid) to include in the hitTest. All layers and graphics will be
included if include is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>? IncludeByGeoBlazorId { get; set; }
Property Value
HitTestOptions.IncludeGraphicsByArcGISId Property
A list of graphic ArcGIS OBJECTID attributes to include in the hitTest. All layers and graphics will be included if
include is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>? IncludeGraphicsByArcGISId { get; set; }
Property Value
HitTestOptions.IncludeLayersByArcGISId Property
A list of layer ArcGIS Ids (aka FIELDID or OBJECTID) to include in the hitTest. All layers and graphics will be
included if include is not specified.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>? IncludeLayersByArcGISId { get; set; }