layout: default title: ParameterValue parent: Core Classes —



ParameterValue Class

Filters features from the layer based on pre-authored parameterized filters. When value is not specified for any
parameter in a request, the default value, that is assigned during authoring time, gets used. Requires an ArcGIS
Enterprise service 10.5 or greater. This parameter is only supported with MapImageLayer pointing to a map service.

public class ParameterValue :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 ParameterValue

Implements System.IEquatable<ParameterValue>


ParameterValue(string, object) Constructor

Filters features from the layer based on pre-authored parameterized filters. When value is not specified for any
parameter in a request, the default value, that is assigned during authoring time, gets used. Requires an ArcGIS
Enterprise service 10.5 or greater. This parameter is only supported with MapImageLayer pointing to a map service.

public ParameterValue(string Name, object Value);


Name System.String

The parameter name.

Value System.Object

Single value or array of values.


ParameterValue.Name Property

The parameter name.

public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value


ParameterValue.Value Property

Single value or array of values.

public object Value { get; set; }

Property Value
