layout: default title: AttachmentCapability parent: Core Classes —



AttachmentCapability Class

Describes what attachment capabilities are enabled on the layer.

public class AttachmentCapability :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 AttachmentCapability

Implements System.IEquatable<AttachmentCapability>


AttachmentCapability(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) Constructor

Describes what attachment capabilities are enabled on the layer.

public AttachmentCapability(bool SupportsCacheHint, bool SupportsContentType, bool SupportsExifInfo, bool SupportsKeywords, bool SupportsName, bool SupportsSize, bool SupportsResize);


SupportsCacheHint System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachment operations support a cache hint. This is valid only for hosted feature services.

SupportsContentType System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their content types.

SupportsExifInfo System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachment queries support exifInfo.

SupportsKeywords System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their keywords.

SupportsName System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their names.

SupportsSize System.Boolean

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their sizes.

SupportsResize System.Boolean

Indicates if resized attachments are supported in the feature layer. This is useful for showing thumbnails in Popups.


AttachmentCapability.SupportsCacheHint Property

Indicates if the attachment operations support a cache hint. This is valid only for hosted feature services.

public bool SupportsCacheHint { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsContentType Property

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their content types.

public bool SupportsContentType { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsExifInfo Property

Indicates if the attachment queries support exifInfo.

public bool SupportsExifInfo { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsKeywords Property

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their keywords.

public bool SupportsKeywords { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsName Property

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their names.

public bool SupportsName { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsResize Property

Indicates if resized attachments are supported in the feature layer. This is useful for showing thumbnails in Popups.

public bool SupportsResize { get; set; }

Property Value


AttachmentCapability.SupportsSize Property

Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their sizes.

public bool SupportsSize { get; set; }

Property Value
