layout: default title: RasterSensorInfo parent: Core Classes —



RasterSensorInfo Class

The RasterSensorInfo class provides additional information on the raster sensor associated with an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. This information includes sensor name, product name, imagery acquisition date, cloud coverage, sun and sensor elevation and azimuth angle.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

public class RasterSensorInfo :

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 RasterSensorInfo

Implements System.IEquatable<RasterSensorInfo>


RasterSensorInfo(DateOnly, double, string, double, double, string, double, double) Constructor

The RasterSensorInfo class provides additional information on the raster sensor associated with an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. This information includes sensor name, product name, imagery acquisition date, cloud coverage, sun and sensor elevation and azimuth angle.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

public RasterSensorInfo(System.DateOnly AcquisitionDate, double CloudCover, string ProductName, double SensorAzimuth, double SensorElevation, string SensorName, double SunAzimuth, double SunElevation);


AcquisitionDate System.DateOnly

The acquisition date.

CloudCover System.Double

The cloud coverage (0-1).

ProductName System.String

The satellite product name.

SensorAzimuth System.Double

The sensor azimuth.

SensorElevation System.Double

The sensor elevation.

SensorName System.String

The sensor name.

SunAzimuth System.Double

The sun azimuth.

SunElevation System.Double

The sun elevation.


RasterSensorInfo.AcquisitionDate Property

The acquisition date.

public System.DateOnly AcquisitionDate { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.CloudCover Property

The cloud coverage (0-1).

public double CloudCover { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.ProductName Property

The satellite product name.

public string ProductName { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.SensorAzimuth Property

The sensor azimuth.

public double SensorAzimuth { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.SensorElevation Property

The sensor elevation.

public double SensorElevation { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.SensorName Property

The sensor name.

public string SensorName { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.SunAzimuth Property

The sun azimuth.

public double SunAzimuth { get; set; }

Property Value


RasterSensorInfo.SunElevation Property

The sun elevation.

public double SunElevation { get; set; }

Property Value
