layout: default title: CoreIndex nav_order: 1 parent: Core Classes —
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core Assembly
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core Namespace
Classes | |
DependencyExtension | Static extension class for injecting GeoBlazor types |
GeoBlazorSettings | Configuration Settings Object, can be populated from JSON (e.g., appsettings.json) or environment variables. |
JsModuleManager | Static class for managing the JavaScript modules used by GeoBlazor. |
RequiredPropertyAttribute | Add this attribute to any property on any subclass of MapComponent, and if the user forgets to set that property, this will throw a MissingRequiredChildElementException or MissingRequiredOptionsChildElementException. This works for both [Parameter] properties as well as Child Components registered with RegisterChildComponent |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components Namespace
Classes | |
ActionBase | Actions are customizable behavior which can be executed in certain widgets such as Popups, a BasemapLayerList, or a LayerList. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ActionButton | A customizable button that performs a specific action(s) used in widgets such as the Popup, LayerList, and BasemapLayerList. |
ActionToggle | A customizable toggle used in the LayerList widget that performs a specific action(s) which can be toggled on/off. |
Basemap | Creates a new basemap object. Basemaps can be created from a PortalItem, from a well known basemap ID, or can be used for creating custom basemaps. These basemaps may be created from tiled services you publish to your own server, or from tiled services published by third parties. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BasemapStyle | The style of the basemap from the basemap styles service (v2). The basemap styles service is a ready-to-use location service that serves vector and image tiles representing geographic features around the world. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Constraints | Specifies constraints to scale, zoom, and rotation that may be applied to the MapView. The constraints.lods should be set in the MapView constructor, if the map does not have a basemap or when the basemap does not have tileInfo. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
CustomOverlay | A container for placing custom html or Razor Components on top of the Map View. |
LOD | A TileLayer has a number of LODs (Levels of Detail). Each LOD corresponds to a map at a given scale or resolution. LOD has no constructor. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Map | The Map class contains properties and methods for storing, managing, and overlaying layers common to both 2D and 3D viewing. Layers can be added and removed from the map, but are rendered via a MapView (for viewing data in 2D) or a SceneView (for viewing data in 3D). Thus a map instance is a simple container that holds the layers, while the View is the means of displaying and interacting with a map’s layers and basemap. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MapComponent | The abstract base Razor Component class that all GeoBlazor components derive from. |
Portal | The Portal class is part of the ArcGIS Enterprise portal that provides a way to build applications that work with content from ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PortalBasemapsSource | The PortalBasemapsSource class is a Portal-driven Basemap source in the BasemapGalleryViewModel or BasemapGallery widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PortalItem | An item (a unit of content) in the Portal. Each item has a unique identifier and a well known URL that is independent of the user owning the item. An item may have associated binary or textual data which is available via the item data resource. View the ArcGIS portal API REST documentation for the item for more details. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
WebMap | Loads a WebMap from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal into a MapView. It defines the content, style, and bookmarks of your webmap, and it can be shared across multiple ArcGIS web and desktop applications. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
WebScene | The web scene is the core element of 3D mapping across ArcGIS. It defines the content, style, environment, and slides of your scene and it can be shared across multiple ArcGIS web and desktop applications ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
ActiveTool | Specifies the current measurement tool to display. |
BasemapStyleName | All styles available from the ArcGIS Basemap Styles service. ArcGIS REST APIs |
OverlayPosition | A collection of possible positions for setting a Widget or CustomOverlay |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Geometries Namespace
Classes | |
Extent | The minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates of a bounding box. Extent is used to describe the visible portion of a MapView. When working in a SceneView, Camera is used to define the visible part of the map within the view. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Geometry | The base class for geometry objects. This class has no constructor. To construct geometries see Point, PolyLine, or Polygon. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Point | A location defined by X, Y, and Z coordinates. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Polygon | A polygon contains an array of rings and a spatialReference. Each ring is represented as an array of points. The first and last points of a ring must be the same. A polygon also has boolean-valued hasM and hasZ fields. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PolyLine | A polyline contains an array of paths and spatialReference. Each path is represented as an array of points. A polyline also has boolean-valued hasM and hasZ properties. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SpatialReference | Defines the spatial reference of a view, layer, or method parameters. This indicates the projected or geographic coordinate system used to locate geographic features in the map. Each projected and geographic coordinate system is defined by either a well-known ID (WKID) or a definition string (WKT). Note that for versions prior to ArcGIS 10, only WKID was supported. For a full list of supported spatial reference IDs and their corresponding definition strings, see Using spatial references. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
GeometryType | Possible types of geometries |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Layers Namespace
Classes | |
AnalyticsCapability | Describes what analytics capabilities are enabled on the layer. |
Attachment | The attachment to be added, updated or deleted in an AttachmentEdit. |
AttachmentCapability | Describes what attachment capabilities are enabled on the layer. |
AttachmentEdit | AttachmentEdit represents an attachment that can be added, updated or deleted via applyEdits. This object can be either pre-uploaded data or base 64 encoded data. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BaseTileLayer | This class may be extended to create a custom TileLayer. Tile layers are composed of images, such as satellite imagery, that are composed of square tiles mosaicked together in columns and rows, giving the layer the appearance that it is one continuous image. These layers have several levels of detail (LOD) that permit users to zoom in to any region of the map and load additional tiles that depict features in higher resolution at larger map scales. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BingMapsLayer | This layer supports Microsoft’s Bing tiled map content. Three map styles are supported - road, aerial and hybrid. Please note that a valid Bing Maps key is required to use this layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ColorStop | Defines a color stop used for creating a continuous color visualization in a color visual variable. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ColorVariable | The color visual variable is used to visualize features along a continuous color ramp based on the values of a numeric attribute field or an expression. The color ramp is defined along a sequence of stops, where color values are mapped to data values. Data values that fall between two stops are assigned a color that is linearly interpolated based on the value’s position relative to the closest defined stops. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
CreatePopupTemplateOptions | Options for creating the PopupTemplate. |
CSVLayer | The CSVLayer is a point layer based on a CSV file (.csv, .txt). CSV is a plain-text file format used to represent tabular data, including geographic point features (latitude, longitude). Typically the latitude coordinate is the Y value, and the longitude coordinate is the X value. The X, Y coordinates must be stored in SpatialReference.WGS84 in csv feed. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
DataCapability | Describes characteristics of the data in the layer. |
DynamicDataLayer | A dynamic data layer is a layer created on-the-fly with data stored in a registered workspace. This is data that can be rendered and queried on the fly, but that isn’t explicitly exposed as a service sublayer. Depending on the type of data source, these layers are classified as one of the following: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
DynamicDataSource | Abstract base class for data sources in a dynamic data layer. |
DynamicLayer | Abstract base class for DynamicMapLayer and DynamicDataLayer. |
DynamicLayerField | Defines fields that should be visible in the DynamicDataLayer |
DynamicMapLayer | A dynamic map layer refers to a layer published in a map service that has dynamic layers enabled. This layer type may be used to create multiple sublayers that point to the same service layer, but are assigned different definition expressions, renderers, and other properties. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
EditedFeatureResult | Results returned from the applyEdits method if the returnServiceEditsOption parameter is set to original-and-current-features. It contains features that were added, deleted or updated in different feature layers of a feature service as a result of editing a single feature that participates in a composite relationship in a database. The results are organized by each layer affected by the edit. For example, if a feature is deleted and it is the origin in a composite relationship, the edited features as a result of this deletion are returned. The editedFeatures object returns full features including newly added features, the original features prior to delete, the original and current features for updates. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
EditedFeatures | The edited features of an EditedFeatureResult |
EditedFeatureUpdate | The update object of a EditedFeatures. |
EditError | The error object in a FeatureEditResult |
EditingCapability | Describes editing capabilities that can be performed on the features in the layer via ApplyEdits(). |
Effect | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ElevationLayer | ElevationLayer is a tile layer used for rendering elevations in SceneViews. A default world elevation layer can be added to the map by setting the map’s ground property to world-elevation. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ExtentQueryResult | The return type for QueryExtent(Query, CancellationToken). |
FeatureEditOptions | The options to use with ApplyEdits(FeatureEdits, FeatureEditOptions, CancellationToken). |
FeatureEditResult | FeatureEditResult represents the result of adding, updating or deleting a feature or an attachment. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureEdits | Object containing features and attachments to be added, updated or deleted. For use with ApplyEdits(FeatureEdits, FeatureEditOptions, CancellationToken)ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureEditsResult | The result of ApplyEdits(FeatureEdits, FeatureEditOptions, CancellationToken). ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureEffect | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureFilter | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureLayer | A FeatureLayer is a single layer that can be created from a Map Service or Feature Service; ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal items; or from an array of client-side features. The layer can be either a spatial (has geographic features) or non-spatial (table). ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureLayerCapabilities | Describes the layer’s supported capabilities. |
FeatureLayerView | The FeatureLayerView is responsible for rendering a FeatureLayer’s features as graphics in the View. The methods in the FeatureLayerView provide developers with the ability to query and highlight graphics in the view. See the code snippets in the methods below for examples of how to access client-side graphics from the view. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureSet | A collection of features returned from ArcGIS Server or used as input to methods. Each feature in the FeatureSet may contain geometry, attributes, and symbology. If the FeatureSet does not contain geometry, and only contains attributes, the FeatureSet can be treated as a table where each feature is a row object. Methods that return FeatureSet include query. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FeatureTemplate | Feature templates define all the information required to create a new feature in a feature layer. These include information such as the default attribute values with which a feature will be created, and the default tool used to create that feature. |
FeatureType | FeatureType is a subset of features defined in a FeatureLayer that share the same attributes. They are used as a way to categorize your data. For example, the streets in a city streets feature layer could be categorized into three feature types: local streets, collector streets, and arterial streets. |
Field | Information about each field in a layer. Field objects must be constructed when creating a FeatureLayer from client-side graphics. This class allows you to define the schema of each field in the FeatureLayer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FieldsIndex | This class provides convenient methods that can be used to make case-insensitive lookups for a field by its name. It also provides more information such as the list of date fields in a layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GeoJSONLayer | The GeoJSONLayer class is used to create a layer based on GeoJSON. GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. The GeoJSON data must comply with the RFC 7946 specification which states that the coordinates are in SpatialReference.WGS84. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GeoRSSLayer | The GeoRSSLayer class is used to create a layer based on GeoRSS. GeoRSS is a way to add geographic information to an RSS feed. The GeoRSSLayer supports both GeoRSS-Simple and GeoRSS GML encodings, and multiple geometry types. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Graphic | A Graphic is a vector representation of real world geographic phenomena. It can contain geometry, a symbol, and attributes. A Graphic is displayed in the GraphicsLayer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GraphicsLayer | A GraphicsLayer contains one or more client-side Graphics. Each graphic in the GraphicsLayer is rendered in a LayerView inside either a SceneView or a MapView. The graphics contain discrete vector geometries that represent real-world phenomena. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
HighlightHandle | A handle to a LayerView.Highlight call result. The handle can be used to remove the installed highlight. |
ImageryLayer | Represents a dynamic image service resource as a layer. An ImageryLayer retrieves and displays data from dynamic image services. An image service supports accessing the mosaicked image, its catalog, and the individual rasters in the catalog. An image service supports dynamic access and tiled access. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ImageryTileLayer | ImageryTileLayer presents raster data from a tiled image service. Binary imagery tiles are projected, processed, and rendered on the client-side. Tiled access is fast and scalable. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
JoinTableDataSource | The result of an on-the-fly join operation at runtime. Nested joins are supported. To use nested joins, set either leftTableSource or rightTableSource to join-table. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
KMLLayer | The KMLLayer class is used to create a layer based on a KML file (.kml, .kmz). KML is an XML-based file format used to represent geographic features. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Label | Defines label expressions, symbols, scale ranges, label priorities, and label placement options for labels on a layer. See the Labeling guide for more information about labeling. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LabelExpressionInfo | If working with a MapImageLayer that supports Arcade, you can also use labelExpressionInfo. To determine this, check the supportsArcadeExpressionForLabeling property. If true, then labelExpression or labelExpressionInfo can be used. If false, then only labelExpression can be used. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Layer | The layer is the most fundamental component of a Map. It is a collection of spatial data in the form of vector graphics or raster images that represent real-world phenomena. Layers may contain discrete features that store vector data or continuous cells/pixels that store raster data. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LayerFloorInfo | LayerFloorInfo contains properties that allow a layer to be floor-aware. These properties are used to filter the levels, or floors, of a facility that are displayed. The FloorFilter widget currently supports FeatureLayers, SceneLayers and MapImageLayers (map services). ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LayerObject | Abstract base class for objects that are a child of a Layer and have a Symbol property. |
LayerView | Represents the view for a single layer after it has been added to either a MapView or a SceneView. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LegendOptions | An object providing options for displaying the visual variable in the Legend. |
MapImageExportMap | Indicates options supported by the exportMap operation. Will be null if the supportsExportMap is false. |
MapImageExportTiles | Indicates options supported by the exportTiles operation. Will be null if the supportsExportTiles is false. |
MapImageLayer | MapImageLayer allows you to display and analyze data from sublayers defined in a map service, exporting images instead of features. Map service images are dynamically generated on the server based on a request, which includes an LOD (level of detail), a bounding box, dpi, spatial reference and other options. In 2D, the exported image is of the entire map extent specified. In 3D, two images are exported: an image with higher resolution for the area closer to the camera and a lower resolution image for the area farther away from the camera. Unlike FeatureLayer, MapImageLayer processing is handled by the server, not the client. Offloading the processing to the server allows MapImageLayer to render more features with a higher level of performance in some cases. MapImageLayer does not display tiled images. To display tiled map service layers, see TileLayer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MapImageLayerCapabilities | Indicates the layer’s supported capabilities. |
MapImageOperations | Indicates operations that can be performed on the service. |
MetadataCapability | Describes the metadata contained on features in the layer. |
MultidimensionalSubset | A subset of multidimensional raster data created by slicing the data along defined variables and dimensions. Only dimensional slices that meet the multidimensionalSubset requirements will be available on a multidimensional ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer when the multiDimensionalSubset property is set on the layer. For example, if you have an ImageryLayer that contains 30 years of monthly precipitation data, and you only want to expose data for each January to see how precipitation has changed for that month, you can set the multiDimensionalSubset on the imagery layer. When the multiDimensionalSubset is defined on a layer, the multidimensionalDefinition property of the ImageryTileLayer or the mosaicRule.multidimensionalDefinition of the ImageryLayer must be within the defined multidimensionalSubset, otherwise nothing will be displayed on the map or available for analysis. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
OpacityStop | Defines a opacity stop used for creating a continuous opacity visualization in a opacity visual variable. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
OpacityVariable | The opacity visual variable defines the opacity of each feature’s symbol based on a numeric field value or number returned from an expression. You must specify stops to construct the opacity ramp. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
OpenStreetMapLayer | Allows you to use basemaps from OpenStreetMap. Set the tileservers property to change which OpenStreetMap tiles you want to use. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
OperationsCapability | Describes operations that can be performed on features in the layer. |
OrderedLayerOrderBy | Determines the order in which features are drawn in the view. |
PixelSize | Raster pixel size. |
QueryCapability | Describes query operations that can be performed on features in the layer. |
QueryRelatedCapability | Indicates if the layer’s query operation supports querying features or records related to features in the layer. |
QueryTableDataSource | A query table is a feature class or table defined by a SQL query on the fly. Query layers allow both spatial and nonspatial information stored in a database to be easily integrated into map service operations. Since a query table uses SQL to directly query database tables and views, spatial information used by a query table is not required to be in a geodatabase. This data source is useful for scenarios where you have a table containing multiple records that match to a single geometry in either another table or a map service layer. You can use the QueryTableDataSource to select only a subset of those matching records and join them to the table with geometries so records in both tables have a one-to-one relationship with each other. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
QueryTopFeaturesCapability | Describes top features query operations that can be performed on features in the layer. |
RasterBandInfo | RasterBandInfo class provides additional information for each raster band in an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. A band is represented by a single matrix of pixel values, and a raster with multiple bands contains multiple spatially coincident matrices of pixel values representing the same spatial area. Image services can include information such as the band name, band index value, wavelength range, the radiance gain, radiance bias, and solar irradiance. All other raster datasets will only contain the band index value. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RasterBandStatistics | Raster statistics information returned that meets the specified ImageHistogramParameters from the computeStatisticsHistograms() method on ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. |
RasterDataSource | A file-based raster that resides in a registered raster workspace. The raster may only be displayed in the view, not queried or assigned a renderer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RasterDimension | A dimension may be used to represent real physical dimensions such as time or depth/height. It may also be used to represent more abstract quantities such as station id or station-time pair. For example, if your temperature data has a corresponding Date dimension field representing the day it was captured, and your salinity data has a Depth dimension field representing the depth at which it was measured, the Dimensions field for that variable would be Date and Depth. |
RasterHistogram | Raster histogram information returned that meets the specified ImageHistogramParameters from the computeHistograms() or computeStatisticsHistograms() method. |
RasterInfo | Describes general raster data information exposed by the ArcGIS REST API for ImageryLayer, ImageryTileLayer and WCSLayer. RasterInfo contains information such band count, statistics, data type, dimensions and key properties. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RasterMultidimensionalInfo | RasterMultidimensionalInfo contains dimensions for each variable in the service describing information about the images collected at multiple times, depths, or heights. |
RasterMultidimensionalVariable | The multi dimensional variables. It stores information such as name, unit and dimensions. For example, a temperature variable can store temperature data and the salinity variable can store the salinity data measured daily at different depths. |
RasterSensorInfo | The RasterSensorInfo class provides additional information on the raster sensor associated with an image service referenced by ImageryLayer or ImageryTileLayer. This information includes sensor name, product name, imagery acquisition date, cloud coverage, sun and sensor elevation and azimuth angle. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RotationVariable | The rotation visual variable defines how features rendered with marker symbols or text symbols in a MapView are rotated. The rotation value is determined by mapping the values to data in a field, or by other arithmetic means with an Arcade expression. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SizeStop | Defines a size stop used for creating a continuous size visualization in a size visual variable. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SizeVariable | The size visual variable defines the size of individual features in a layer based on a numeric (often thematic) value. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Sublayer | Represents a Sublayer in a MapImageLayer or a TileLayer. MapImageLayer allows you to display, query, and analyze layers from data defined in a map service. Map services contain Sublayers with properties such as renderer, labelingInfo, and definitionExpression, and others that are defined on the server. The properties of each MapImageLayer Sublayer on the map service may be dynamically changed by the user or developer. The properties of each TileLayer Sublayer are read-only, and cannot be modified. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SublayerCapabilities | Describes the layer’s supported capabilities. |
SublayerData | Describes characteristics of the data in the layer. |
SublayerOperations | Describes operations that can be performed on features in the layer. |
SupportedSpatialStatisticAggregations | List of supported aggregated geometries returned for each distinct group when groupByFieldsForStatistics is used. |
TableDataSource | A table or feature class that resides in a registered workspace (either a folder or geodatabase). In the case of a geodatabase, if versioned, use version to switch to an alternate geodatabase version. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Thumbnail | An object used to create a thumbnail image that represents a feature type in the feature template. |
TileInfo | Contains information about the tiling scheme for TileLayers, ElevationLayers, ImageryTileLayers, VectorTileLayers, and WebTileLayers. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TileLayer | The TileLayer allows you work with a cached map service exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API and add it to a Map as a tile layer. A cached service accesses tiles from a cache instead of dynamically rendering images. Because they are cached, tiled layers render faster than MapImageLayers. To create an instance of TileLayer, you must reference the URL of the cached map service. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TimeInfo | Time info represents the temporal data of a time-aware layer. The time info class provides information such as date fields that store the start and end times for each feature and the total time span for the layer. |
VectorTileLayer | VectorTileLayer accesses cached tiles of data and renders it in vector format. It is similar to a WebTileLayer in the context of caching; however, a WebTileLayer renders as a series of images, not vector data. Unlike raster tiles, vector tiles can adapt to the resolution of their display device and can be restyled for multiple uses. VectorTileLayer delivers styled maps while taking advantage of cached raster map tiles with vector map data. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
VisualVariable | The visual variable base class. See each of the subclasses that extend this class to learn how to create continuous data-driven thematic visualizations. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
WCSLayer | WCS presents raster data from a OGC Web Coverage Service. Raster data are projected and rendered on the client-side. It supports versions 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 2.0.1. For version 2.0.1, it supports servers that support GEOTIFF coverage and implements the following extensions: Scaling, Interpolation, Range Subsetting, CRS, and KVP/Get. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
WebTileLayer | WebTileLayer provides a simple way to add non-ArcGIS Server map tiles as a layer to a map. The constructor takes a URL template that usually follows a pattern of{level}/{col}/{row}/ where level corresponds to a zoom level, and column and row represent tile column and row, respectively. This pattern is not required, but is the most common one currently on the web. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Interfaces | |
IPopupTemplateLayer | Interface for identifying Layer types that support PopupTemplates. |
Enums | |
BingImageryStyle | The Bing Maps Imagery Set Styles. ArcGIS currently only supports 3 options. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BlendMode | Blend modes are used to blend layers together to create an interesting effect in a layer, or even to produce what seems like a new layer. Unlike the method of using transparency which can result in a washed-out top layer, blend modes can create a variety of very vibrant and intriguing results by blending a layer with the layer(s) below it. |
CSVDelimiter | Possible Column Delimiters for CSVLayer |
DeconflictionStrategy | Defines how labels should be placed relative to one another. By default, labels have a static deconfliction strategy, meaning labels that overlap are dropped to make them easier to read. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
DrawingTool | Name of the default drawing tool defined for the template to create a feature. |
DynamicJoinType | Possible types of joins for a JoinTableDataSource |
FieldType | Potential types of Fields in a FeatureLayer |
FieldValueType | The types of values that can be assigned to a field. |
ImageFormat | The format of the data sent by the server. |
LabelPlacement | The position of the Label. Possible values are based on the feature type. This property requires a value. |
LabelPosition | Specifies the orientation of the label position of a polyline label. |
ListMode | Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget. The possible values are listed below. |
MapImageFormat | The output image type of the MapImageLayer. |
PixelInterpolation | Defines how to interpolate pixel values. |
PixelType | Types of pixels for raster data sources |
RasterDataType | Possible data types for Rasters |
RotationType | Options for rotation type for RotationVariable |
SortOrder | The sort order options for OrderedLayerOrderBy |
TileInfoFormat | Image format of the cached tiles. |
VisualAxis | Only applicable when working in a SceneView. Defines the axis the size visual variable should be applied to when rendering features with an ObjectSymbol3DLayer. See the local scene sample for an example of this. |
VisualValueRepresentation | Specifies how to apply the data value when mapping real-world sizes. |
VisualValueUnit | Specifies how to apply the data value when mapping real-world sizes. |
VisualVariableType | A collection of VisualVariable Types |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Popups Namespace
Classes | |
AttachmentsPopupContent | An AttachmentsContent popup element represents an attachment element associated with a feature. This resource is available only if the is true. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BarChartMediaInfo | A BarChartMediaInfo is a type of chart media element that represents a bar chart displayed within a popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ChartMediaInfoValue | The ChartMediaInfoValue class contains information for popups regarding how charts should be constructed. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ChartMediaInfoValueSeries | The ChartMediaInfoValueSeries class is a read-only support class that represents information specific to how data should be plotted in a chart. It helps provide a consistent API for plotting charts used by the Popup widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ColumnChartMediaInfo | A ColumnChartMediaInfo is a type of chart media element that represents a column chart displayed within a popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ElementExpressionInfo | Defines an Arcade expression used to create an ExpressionContent element in a PopupTemplate. The expression must evaluate to a dictionary, representing a TextContent, FieldsContent, or MediaContent popup element as defined in the Popup Element web map specification. This expression may access data values from the feature, its layer, or other layers in the map or datastore with the $feature, $layer, $map, and $datastore profile variables. See the Popup Element Arcade Profile specification for more information and examples of valid return dictionaries. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ExpressionInfo | The ExpressionInfo class references Arcade expressions following the specification defined by the Arcade Popup Profile. Expressions must return a string or a number and may access data values from the feature, its layer, or other layers in the map or datastore with the $feature, $layer, $map, and $datastore profile variables. Expression names are referenced in a layer’s PopupTemplate and execute once a layer’s popup is opened. The values display within the view’s popup as if they are field values. They can be displayed in a table using the FieldInfo of the popupTemplate’s content or referenced within a simple string. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ExpressionPopupContent | An ExpressionContent element allows you to define a popup content element with an Arcade expression. The expression must evaluate to a dictionary representing a TextContent, FieldsContent, or a MediaContent popup element as defined in the Popup Element web map specification. Expressions defining popup content typically use the attributes property of an element to reference values calculated within the expression in a table or a chart. This content element is designed for advanced scenarios where content in charts, tables, or rich text elements is based on logical conditions. For example, if data in one or more fields is empty, you can use this element to dynamically create a table consisting only of fields containing valid data values. You can also use this element to create charts or other content types consisting of aggregated data values. This can be especially useful in cluster popups. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FieldInfo | The FieldInfo class defines how a Field participates, or in some cases, does not participate, in a PopupTemplate. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FieldInfoFormat | The FieldInfoFormat class is used with numerical or date fields to provide more detail about how the value should be displayed in a popup. Use this class in place of the legacy formatting functions: DateString, DateFormat, and/or NumberFormat. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FieldsPopupContent | A FieldsContent popup element represents the FieldInfo associated with a feature. If this is not set within the content, it will revert to whatever may be set within the PopupTemplate.fieldInfos property. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ImageMediaInfo | An ImageMediaInfo is a type of media element that represents images to display within a popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ImageMediaInfoValue | The ImageMediaInfoValue class contains information for popups regarding how images should be retrieved. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LineChartMediaInfo | A LineChartMediaInfo is a type of chart media element that represents a line chart displayed within a popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MediaInfo | Base class for all MediaInfos used in MediaPopupContent |
MediaPopupContent | A MediaContent popup element contains an individual or array of chart and/or image media elements to display within a popup’s content. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PieChartMediaInfo | A PieChartMediaInfo is a type of chart media element that represents a pie chart displayed within a popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PopupContent | Abstract base class, PopupContent elements define what should display within the PopupTemplate content. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PopupTemplate | A PopupTemplate formats and defines the content of a Popup for a specific Layer or Graphic. The user can also use the PopupTemplate to access values from feature attributes and values returned from Arcade expressions when a feature in the view is selected. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RelatedRecordsInfoFieldOrder | The RelatedRecordsInfoFieldOrder class indicates the field display order for the related records in a layer’s PopupTemplate. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RelationshipPopupContent | A RelationshipContent popup element represents a relationship element associated with a feature. This can only be configured if the related layer or table is added to the map. RelationshipContent provides a way to browse related records of the current selected feature within its popup, as shown in the images below. The Origin Feature image shows a popup template configured with RelationshipContent. When selecting one of the related features in the list, the popup template for the chosen related destination feature displays. The Related Destination Feature image shows the destination popup template content with FieldsContent and RelationshipContent configured. When exploring a related feature’s RelationshipContent, one could navigate into that feature’s related records or exit the origin feature’s related record exploration with the arrow button. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TextPopupContent | A TextContent popup element is used to define descriptive text as an element within a PopupTemplate’s content. The text may reference values returned from a field attribute or an Arcade expression defined in a PopupTemplate’s expressionInfos property. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
ReturnType | Indicates the return type of the Arcade expression. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Renderers Namespace
Classes | |
DefaultSymbol | Wrapper to identify the default (fallback) symbol for a UniqueValueRenderer |
DimensionalDefinition | Defines the symbols to use in a UniqueValueRenderer. Each unique value info defines a symbol that should be used to represent features with a specific value. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LookupTypeAttribute | Attribute to lookup the type name for a RendererType |
RasterStatistics | The input statistics for rasters ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RasterStretchRenderer | RasterStretchRenderer defines the symbology with a gradual ramp of colors for each pixel in a ImageryLayer, ImageryTileLayer, and WCSLayer based on the pixel value. The RasterStretchRenderer works well when you have a large range of values to display, such as in imagery, aerial photographs, or elevation models. Important to note that RasterStretchRenderer does not inherit from Renderer class. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Renderer | Abstract base class, renderers define how to visually represent each feature in one of the following layer types: FeatureLayer, SceneLayer, MapImageLayer, CSVLayer, GeoJSONLayer, OGCFeatureLayer, StreamLayer, WFSLayer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SimpleRenderer | SimpleRenderer renders all features in a Layer with one Symbol. This renderer may be used to simply visualize the location of geographic features. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
UniqueValueInfo | Defines the symbols to use in a UniqueValueRenderer. Each unique value info defines a symbol that should be used to represent features with a specific value. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
UniqueValueRenderer | UniqueValueRenderer allows you to symbolize features in a Layer based on one or more matching string attributes. This is typically done by using unique colors, fill styles, or images to represent features with equal values in a string field. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
UniqueValueRendererLegendOptions | An object providing options for displaying the renderer in the Legend. |
Interfaces | |
IImageryRenderer | The IImageryRenderer is an interface for a group of renderers used for Imagery Layers |
Enums | |
RendererType | A collection of renderer types |
StretchType | The stretch type defines a histogram stretch that will be applied to the rasters to enhance their appearance. Stretching improves the appearance of the data by spreading the pixel values along a histogram from the minimum and maximum values defined by their bit depth. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Renderers.ColorRamps Namespace
Classes | |
AlgorithmicColorRamp | Creates a color ramp for use in a raster renderer. The algorithmic color ramp is defined by specifying two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color spaces. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ColorRamp | A ColorRamp object is used to specify a range of colors that are applied to a group of symbols or pixels. There are two types of color ramps available: Algorithmic color ramp: A AlgorithmicColorRamp is defined by two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color space between them. Multipart color ramp: A MultipartColorRamp is defined by a list of constituent color ramps. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MultipartColorRamp | Creates a color ramp for use in a raster renderer. The algorithmic color ramp is defined by specifying two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color spaces. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | ||
Algorithm | The algorithms used to generate the colors between the fromColor and toColor. Each algorithm uses different methods for generating the intervening colors. Read more in the link above. | |
ColorRampType | An enum converter containing the string values representing the color ramp type. Possible Values:”algorithmic” | “multipart” |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Symbols Namespace
Classes | |
FillSymbol | Fill symbols are used to draw Polygon graphics in a GraphicsLayer or a FeatureLayer in a 2D MapView. To create new fill symbols, use either SimpleFillSymbol or PictureFillSymbol. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LineSymbol | Abstract class. Line symbols are used to draw Polyline features in a FeatureLayer in a 2D MapView. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MapFont | The font used to display 2D text symbols and 3D text symbols. This class allows the developer to set the font’s family, decoration, size, style, and weight properties. Take note of the “Known Limitations” for each property to understand how they differ depending on the layer type, and if you working with a MapView or SceneView. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MarkerSymbol | Marker symbols are used to draw Point graphics in a FeatureLayer or individual graphics in a 2D MapView. To create new marker symbols, use either SimpleMarkerSymbol or PictureMarkerSymbol. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Outline | A convenience sub-class of SimpleLineSymbol for defining outlines of other symbols. |
PictureFillSymbol | PictureFillSymbol uses an image in a repeating pattern to symbolize polygon features in a 2D MapView. A url must point to a valid image. In addition, the symbol can have an optional outline, which is defined by a SimpleLineSymbol. PictureFillSymbols may be applied to polygon features in a FeatureLayer or an individual Graphic. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PictureMarkerSymbol | PictureMarkerSymbol renders Point graphics in either a 2D MapView or 3D SceneView using an image. A url must point to a valid image. PictureMarkerSymbols may be applied to point features in a FeatureLayer or individual graphics. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SimpleFillSymbol | SimpleFillSymbol is used for rendering 2D polygons in either a MapView or a SceneView. It can be filled with a solid color, or a pattern. In addition, the symbol can have an optional outline, which is defined by a SimpleLineSymbol. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SimpleLineSymbol | SimpleLineSymbol is used for rendering 2D polyline geometries in a 2D MapView. SimpleLineSymbol is also used for rendering outlines for marker symbols and fill symbols. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SimpleMarkerSymbol | SimpleMarkerSymbol is used for rendering 2D Point geometries with a simple shape and color in either a MapView or a SceneView. It may be filled with a solid color and have an optional outline, which is defined with a SimpleLineSymbol. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Symbol | Symbol is the abstract base class for all symbols. Symbols represent point, line, polygon, and mesh geometries as vector graphics within a View. Symbols can only be set directly on individual graphics in a GraphicsLayer or in Otherwise they are assigned to a Renderer that is applied to a Layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TextSymbol | Text symbols are used to define the graphic for displaying labels on a FeatureLayer, CSVLayer, Sublayer, and StreamLayer in a 2D MapView. Text symbols can also be used to define the symbol property of Graphic if the geometry type is Point or Multipoint. With this class, you may alter the color, font, halo, and other properties of the label graphic. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
FillStyle | The possible fill style for the SimpleFillSymbol |
HorizontalAlignment | The horizontal alignment for a text symbol’s text. |
LineStyle | Possible line style values for SimpleLineSymbol |
SimpleMarkerStyle | The marker style. |
VerticalAlignment | The vertical alignment for a text symbol’s text. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Views Namespace
Classes | |
MapView | The Top-Level Map Component Container. A MapView displays a 2D view of a Map instance. An instance of MapView must be created to render a Map (along with its operational and base layers) in 2D. To render a map and its layers in 3D, see the documentation for SceneView. For a general overview of views, see View. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SceneView | A SceneView displays a 3D view of a Map or WebScene instance using WebGL. To render a map and its layers in 2D, see the documentation for MapView. For a general overview of views, see View. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ViewExtentUpdate | A class to represent all the parameters that make up the extent of the map view. |
Viewpoint | Describes a point of view for a 2D or 3D view. In a 2D view, the viewpoint is determined using a center point and scale value. In a 3D view, it is determined using a camera position. The Viewpoint can be bookmarked for later use, or used for navigation purposes. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Components.Widgets Namespace
Classes | |
BarcodeScannerInput | The BarcodeScannerInput class defines the desired user interface for a barcode or QR code scanner. This input type will default to the TextBoxInput type as the API does not currently support bar code scanning. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BasemapGalleryWidget | The BasemapGallery widget displays a collection images representing basemaps from or a user-defined set of map or image services. When a new basemap is selected from the BasemapGallery, the map’s basemap layers are removed and replaced with the basemap layers of the associated basemap selected in the gallery. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BasemapLayerListWidget | The Basemap ListItem class represents two of the operational Items in the LayerList ViewModel. In the Basemap LayerList widget UI, the list items represent any base or reference layers displayed in the view. To display the ListItems as separate types, a developer will need to specify a base or reference. It provides access to the associated layer’s properties, allows the developer to configure actions related to the layer, and allows the developer to add content to the item related to the layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BasemapLayerListWidgetVisibleElements | The visible elements that are displayed within the widget. This property provides the ability to turn individual elements of the widget’s display on/off. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BasemapToggleWidget | The BasemapToggle provides a widget which allows an end-user to switch between two basemaps. The toggled basemap is set inside the view’s map object. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Bookmark | A bookmark is a saved map extent that allows end users to quickly navigate to a particular area of interest using the Bookmarks widget. They are usually defined part of the WebMap. |
BookmarksWidget | The Bookmarks widget allows end users to quickly navigate to a particular area of interest. It displays a list of bookmarks, which are typically defined inside the WebMap. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
BreakPoint | Defines the dimensions of the View at which to dock the popup. Set to false to disable docking at a breakpoint. DefaultValue: true |
CodedValue<T> | The coded value in a domain. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
CodedValueDomain<T> | Information about the coded values belonging to the domain. Coded value domains specify a valid set of values for a field. Each valid value is assigned a unique name. For example, in a layer for water mains, water main features may be buried under different types of surfaces as signified by a GroundSurfaceType field: pavement, gravel, sand, or none (for exposed water mains). The coded value domain includes both the actual value that is stored in the database (for example, 1 for pavement) and a more user-friendly description of what that value actually means. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ComboBoxInput | The ComboBoxInput class defines the desired user interface for a combo box group. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
CompassWidget | The Compass widget indicates where north is in relation to the current view rotation or camera heading. Clicking the Compass widget rotates the view to face north (heading = 0). This widget is added to a SceneView by default. The icon for the Compass widget is determined based upon the view’s spatial reference. If the view’s spatial reference is not Web Mercator or WGS84 a dial icon will be used, however when the spatial reference is Web Mercator or WGS84 the icon will be a north arrow. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
DateTimePickerInput | The DateTimePickerInput class defines the desired user interface for editing date fields in a form. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Domain | Domains define constraints on a layer field. There are two types of domains: coded values and range domains. This is an abstract class. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ExpandWidget | The Expand widget acts as a clickable button for opening a widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FieldElement | A FieldElement form element defines how a feature layer’s field participates in the FeatureForm. This is the recommended approach to set field configurations within a feature form’s or feature layer’s formTemplate. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FormElement | Form elements define what should display within the FormTemplate elements. There are three specific element types: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
FormInput | Abstract base class for Input fields in a form element. |
FormTemplate | A FormTemplate formats and defines the content of a FeatureForm for a specific Layer or Graphic. A FormTemplate allows the user to access values from feature attributes when a feature in the view is selected. The FormTemplate can be set directly on a FeatureLayer, a FeatureForm, or its view model. The template consists of various elements that display a specific type of form data. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GoToOptions | Animation options for the goTo() method. See properties below for parameter specifications. |
GoToOverrideParameters | The following properties define a goTo override function. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GoToTarget | The target location/viewpoint to animate to in the goTo() method. A two or three-element array of numbers represents the [x,y,z] coordinates to center the view on. When using an object for the target, use the properties in this record. |
GroupElement | A GroupElement form element defines a container that holds a set of form elements that can be expanded, collapsed, or displayed together. This is the preferred way to set grouped field configurations within a FeatureForm or Featurelayer formTemplate. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
HomeWidget | Provides a simple widget that switches the View to its initial Viewpoint or a previously defined viewpoint. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
InheritedDomain | Inherited domains apply to domains at the feature type level. It implies that the domain for a given field at the feature type level is the same as the domain for the field at the layer level. NOTE: Name is not used and will always be null. |
LayerInfo | Specifies a layer to display in the legend. |
LayerListWidget | The LayerList widget provides a way to display a list of layers, and switch on/off their visibility. The ListItem API provides access to each layer’s properties, allows the developer to configure actions related to the layer, and allows the developer to add content to the item related to the layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LegendStyle | The widget legend style, sets the display style of the legend widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LegendWidget | The Legend widget describes the symbols used to represent layers in a map. All symbols and text used in this widget are configured in the Renderer of the layer. The legend will only display layers and sublayers that are visible in the view. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ListItem | The ListItem class represents one of the operationalItems in the LayerListViewModel. In the LayerList widget UI, the list item represents a layer displayed in the view. It provides access to the associated layer’s properties, allows the developer to configure actions related to the layer, and allows the developer to add content to the item related to the layer. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ListItemPanel | This class allows you to display custom content for each ListItem in the LayerList widget. ListItemPanel objects typically aren’t constructed. Rather, they are modified using the listItemCreatedFunction property in the LayerList widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LocateWidget | Provides a simple widget that animates the View to the user’s current location. The view rotates according to the direction where the tracked device is heading towards. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MeasurementWidget | The Image Measurement widget allows you to perform measurements on image services with mensuration capability. Mensuration is a method of applying geometric rules to find length of lines, area of surfaces, or volume using information obtained from lines and angles. It can also include measuring the height and absolute location of a feature. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MissingMapViewReferenceException | Exception raised if an external component is missing a required reference to a MapView |
PopupDockOptions | Docking the popup allows for a better user experience, particularly when opening popups in apps on mobile devices. When a popup is “dockEnabled” it means the popup no longer points to the selected feature or the location assigned to it. Rather it is placed in one of the corners of the view or to the top or bottom of it. This property allows the developer to set various options for docking the popup. |
PopupOpenOptions | Defines the location and content of the popup when opened with OpenPopup(PopupOpenOptions) |
PopupOptions | A collection of options to define when creating a Popup. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
PopupVisibleElements | The visible elements that are displayed within the widget. This provides the ability to turn individual elements of the widget’s display on/off. |
PopupWidget | The Popup widget allows users to view content from feature attributes. Popups enhance web applications by providing users with a simple way to interact with and view attributes in a layer. They play an important role in relaying information to the user, which improves the storytelling capabilities of the application. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RadioButtonsInput | ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RangeDomain | Range domains specify a valid minimum and maximum valid value that can be stored in numeric and date fields. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
ScaleBarWidget | The ScaleBar widget displays a scale bar on the map or in a specified HTML node. The widget respects various coordinate systems and displays units in metric or non-metric values. Metric values shows either kilometers or meters depending on the scale, and likewise non-metric values shows miles and feet depending on the scale. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SearchWidget | The Search widget provides a way to perform search operations on locator service(s), map/feature service feature layer(s), SceneLayers with an associated feature layer, BuildingComponentSublayer with an associated feature layer, GeoJSONLayer, CSVLayer, OGCFeatureLayer, and/or table(s). If using a locator with a geocoding service, the findAddressCandidates operation is used, whereas queries are used on feature layers. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SliderMaxChangeEvent | Event arguments for the OnMaxChange event. |
SliderMaxClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnMaxClick event. |
SliderMinChangeEvent | Event arguments for the OnMinChange event. |
SliderMinClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnMinClick event. |
SliderSegmentClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnSegmentClick event. |
SliderSegmentDragEvent | Event arguments for the OnSegmentDrag event. |
SliderThumbChangeEvent | Event arguments for the OnThumbChange event. |
SliderThumbClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnThumbClick event. |
SliderThumbDragEvent | Event arguments for the OnThumbDrag event. |
SliderTickClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnTickClick event. |
SliderTickConfig | Object specification for configuring ticks on the slider. An array of these objects should be set on the tickConfigs property. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SliderTrackClickEvent | Event arguments for the OnTrackClick event. |
SliderVisibleElements | The visible elements that are displayed within the widget. This provides the ability to turn individual elements of the widget’s display on/off. Alternatively, developers may also use CSS (e.g. display: none) to show/hide elements, such as labels. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SliderWidget | A slider widget that can be used for filtering data, or gathering numeric input from a user. The slider can have multiple thumbs, and provides you with the ability to format labels and control user input. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SwitchInput | The SwitchInput class defines the desired user interface for a binary switch or toggle. This should be used when selecting between two options. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TextAreaInput | The TextAreaInput class defines the desired user interface as a multi-line text area. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TextBoxInput | The TextBoxInput class defines the desired user interface as a single-line text box. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TickElementGroup | The HTML Element nodes representing a single slider tick and its associated label. |
Widget | The base class for widgets. Each widget’s presentation is separate from its properties, methods, and data. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |||
ArcadeReturnType | Return types for Arcade expressions. | ||
LegendStyleLayout | The legend style layout when there are multiple legends ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript | ||
LegendStyleType | The Legend style type. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript | ||
Mode | The mode in which the Expander widget displays. These modes are listed below. Possible Values:”auto” | “floating” | “drawer” Default Value:”auto” |
PopupAlignment | Position of the popup in relation to the selected feature. The default behavior is to display above the feature and adjust if not enough room. If needing to explicitly control where the popup displays in relation to the feature, choose an option besides auto. | ||
PopupDockPosition | Dock position in the View. | ||
ScaleUnit | Possible unit values for the ScaleBarWidget | ||
SearchMenu | The active menu of the search widget. | ||
SliderDragState | The state of the drag in a SliderSegmentDragEvent. | ||
SliderLayout | Possible layouts of the SliderWidget | ||
SliderState | The state of the SliderWidget. | ||
SliderThumbDragState | The state of the drag in a SliderThumbDragEvent. | ||
TickConfigMode | The mode of the SliderTickConfig. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Events Namespace
Classes | |
BlurEvent | Fires when browser focus is moved away from the view. |
BookmarkSelectEvent | Event object for a a bookmark select event from the BookmarksWidget. |
ClickEvent | Event object for all click (single, double, immediate) and hold events. |
DomPointerEvent | Represents the native DOM pointer event that the ArcGIS event is built on top of. |
DragEvent | Result of the view.on(‘drag’) event. |
FocusEvent | Fires when browser focus is on the view. |
GraphicHit | Object specification for the graphic hit result returned in HitTestResult of the hitTest() method. |
GroundIntersectionResult | Ground intersection result, only applies to SceneViews. The ground hit result will always be returned, even if the ground was excluded from the hitTest. |
HitTestOptions | Options to specify what is included in or excluded from the hitTest. |
HitTestResult | Object specification for the result of the MapView.HitTest method. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
JsEvent | Base class for many events triggered in Javascript. |
KeyDownEvent | Fires after a keyboard key is pressed. |
KeyUpEvent | Fires after a keyboard key is released. |
LayerViewCreateErrorEvent | Fires when an error emits during the creation of a LayerView after a layer has been added to the map. |
LayerViewCreateEvent | Return event from the OnJavascriptLayerViewCreate(LayerViewCreateInternalEvent) event. |
LayerViewCreateInternalEvent | Custom return event from the OnJavascriptLayerViewCreate(LayerViewCreateInternalEvent) event. |
LayerViewDestroyEvent | Fires after a LayerView is destroyed and is no longer rendered in the view. This happens for example when a layer is removed from the map of the view. |
MouseWheelEvent | Fires when a wheel button of a pointing device (typically a mouse) is scrolled on the view. |
PointerEvent | This event type returns for all pointer events (down, up, enter, leave, move, etc.). |
ResizeEvent | Result of the view.on(‘resize’) event |
ScreenPoint | The screen coordinates (or native mouse event) of the click on the view. |
ViewHit | Object specification for the Results. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
DragAction | JavaScript Drag actions |
PointerType | The types of pointers recognized by the DOM |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Exceptions Namespace
Classes | |
InvalidChildElementException | Exception thrown when a component is added to the wrong type of parent component. |
JavascriptError | A JavaScript error |
JavascriptException | Converts a JavaScript Error into a .NET Exception |
MissingMapException | Exception when a MapView is created with no Map or WebMap |
MissingRequiredChildElementException | An exception that specifies that a required child component was not added to the parent. |
MissingRequiredOptionsChildElementException | An exception that specifies that none of the choices of required child components were added. |
UnMatchedTargetNameException | This exception is thrown when a watchExpression’s target object name doesn’t match the targetName parameter. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Interfaces Namespace
Interfaces | |
IFeatureReductionLayer | Defines a layer that supports Feature Reduction clusters and binning in GeoBlazor Pro |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Model Namespace
Classes | |
AuthenticationManager | Manager for all authentication-related tasks, tokens, and keys |
GeometryEngine | A client-side geometry engine for testing, measuring, and analyzing the spatial relationship between two or more 2D geometries. If more than one geometry is required for any of the methods below, all geometries must have the same spatial reference for the methods to work as expected. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Locator | Represents a geocode service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. It is used to generate candidates for an address. It is also used to generate batch results for a set of addresses. Set the URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a Locator service, for example: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LogicComponent | A base class for non-map components, such as GeometryEngine, Projection, etc. |
Projection | A client-side projection engine for converting geometries from one SpatialReference to another. When projecting geometries the starting spatial reference must be specified on the input geometry. You can specify a specific geographic (datum) transformation for the project operation, or accept the default transformation if one is needed. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RequestOptions | An object with the following properties that describe the request. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SuggestionResult | Describes the object representing the result of the Locator.SuggestLocations() method. |
Enums | |
AuthMode | Authentication modes for the RequestOptions class. |
JoinType | Join types for creating an offset geometry in GeometryEngine |
LocationType | Location types for the Locator class. |
RequestMethod | Request methods for the RequestOptions class. |
ResponseType | Response types for the RequestOptions class. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Objects Namespace
Classes | |
AbortManager | The AbortManager translates a .NET System.Threading.CancellationToken into a JavaScript abort signal. |
AbortManagerResult | The result of creating an abort controller and signal. |
Address | A complete street address for use in an AddressQuery |
AddressCandidate | Represents the result of a geocode service operation as a list of address candidates. This resource provides information about candidates, including the address, location, and match score. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
AddressQuery | A collection of parameters to pass to locator.addressToLocations |
AttributesDictionary | Dictionary of Graphic Attributes that can be asynchronously updated |
Dimension | Defines a screen measurement in points or pixels. Supports implicit conversion from string, int, or double. Dimensions can include pt or px units. If no units are specified, pt is assumed. |
Direction | A convenience method for pulling navigation directions from a Graphic in a RouteResult |
GeographicTransformation | Projecting your data between coordinate systems sometimes requires transforming between geographic coordinate systems. Geographic transformations are used to transform coordinates between spatial references that have different geographic coordinate systems, and thus different datums. Using the most suitable transformation ensures the best possible accuracy when converting geometries from one spatial reference to another. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GeographicTransformationStep | Represents a step in the process of transforming coordinates from one geographic coordinate system to another. A geographic transformation step can be constructed from a well-known ID (wkid) or a well known text (wkt) that represents a geographic datum transformation. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GetResultsParameters | An object that is passed as a parameter to get search results. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
GetSuggestionsParameters | An object that is passed as a parameter to get search suggestions. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
HighlightOptions | Options for configuring the highlight. Use the highlight method on the appropriate LayerView to highlight a feature. With version 4.19, highlighting a feature influences the shadow of the feature as well. By default, the shadow of the highlighted feature is displayed in a darker shade. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LayerSearchSource | The following properties define a Layer-based source whose features may be searched by a Search widget instance. For string field searches, there is no leading wildcard. This effectively makes exactMatch true, which will remove unnecessary search results and suggestions. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LayerSearchSourceFilter | For filtering suggests or search results. Setting a value here takes precedence over withinViewEnabled. Please see the object specification table below for details. |
LocatorSearchSource | The following properties define a source pointing to a url that represents a locator service, which may be used to geocode locations with a Search widget instance. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
LocatorSearchSourceFilter | For filtering suggests or search results. Setting a value here takes precedence over withinViewEnabled. Please see the object specification table below for details. |
MapColor | Creates a new color object by passing either a hex, rgb(a), hsl(a) or named color value. Hex, hsl(a) and named color values can be passed as a string: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MapPath | Represents both Paths and Rings, as a two-dimensional array of number coordinates. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
MapPoint | This is another representation of Point that should be used to create MapPaths. |
NearestPointResult | Object returned from the nearestCoordinate(), nearestVertex(), and nearestVertices() methods of GeometryEngine. |
ParameterValue | Filters features from the layer based on pre-authored parameterized filters. When value is not specified for any parameter in a request, the default value, that is assigned during authoring time, gets used. Requires an ArcGIS Enterprise service 10.5 or greater. This parameter is only supported with MapImageLayer pointing to a map service. |
QuantizationParameters | Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen. Geometry coordinates are converted to integers by building a grid with a resolution matching the quantizationParameters.tolerance. Each coordinate is then snapped to one pixel on the grid. |
Query | This class defines parameters for executing queries for features from a layer or layer view. Once a Query object’s properties are defined, it can then be passed into an executable function, which will return the features in a FeatureSet. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RangeValue | Filters features from the layer that are within the specified range values. Requires ArcGIS Enterprise services 10.5 or greater.This parameter is only supported with MapImageLayer pointing to a map service. |
Relationship | Describes a layer’s relationship with another layer or table. These relationships are listed in the ArcGIS Services directory as described in the REST API documentation. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
RelationshipQuery | This class defines parameters for executing queries for related records from a layer. Once a RelationshipQuery object’s properties are defined, it can then be passed into the query.executeRelationshipQuery() and FeatureLayer.queryRelatedFeatures() methods, which will return FeatureSets grouped by source layer/table objectIds. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SearchResponse | When resolved, returns this response after calling search. |
SearchResult | The result object returned from a search. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SearchResultResponse | A collection of SearchResults for each SearchSource |
SearchSource | The following properties define generic sources properties for use in the Search widget. Please see the subclasses that extend this class for more information about working with Search widget sources. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SpatialReferenceInfo | The return object of ExtendedSpatialReferenceInfo(SpatialReference) |
StatisticDefinition | This class defines the parameters for querying a layer or layer view for statistics. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
StatisticParameters | The parameters for percentile statistics. This property must be set when the statisticType is set to either percentile-continuous or percentile-discrete. |
SuggestResponse | When resolved, returns this response after calling suggest. |
SuggestResult | The result object returned from a suggest(). ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SuggestResultResponse | A collection of SuggestResults |
TimeExtent | A time extent for a temporal query against time-aware layers. For example, it can be used to discover all crimes that occurred during the night shift from 10 PM to 6 AM on a particular date. |
TimeInterval | TimeInterval is a class that describes a length of time in one of ten temporal units such as seconds, days, or years. TimeInterval is referenced by many classes, such as TimeInfo, which is referenced by time-aware layers and the TimeSlider widget. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Used by Feature Layer. |
TopFeaturesQuery | This class defines parameters for executing top features queries from a FeatureLayer. Once a TopFeaturesQuery object’s properties are defined, it can then be passed into executable functions on a server-side FeatureLayer, which can return a FeatureSet containing features within a group. For example, you can use FeatureLayer’s queryTopFeatures() method to query the most populous three counties in each state of the United States. This class has many of the same properties as Query class. However, unlike the Query class, this class does not support properties such as outStatistics and its related parameters or returnDistinctValues. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
TopFilter | This class defines the top filter parameters for executing top features queries for features from a FeatureLayer. This parameter must be set on the TopFeaturesQuery object when calling any of top query methods on a FeatureLayer. It is used to set the groupByFields, orderByFields, and count criteria used the top features query. For example, you can use FeatureLayer’s queryTopFeatures() method to query the most populous three counties in each state of the United States. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
Enums | |
AreaUnit | Units for area measurement. Use one of the possible values listed below or any of the numeric codes for area units. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Used by Widgets. |
Cardinality | The cardinality which specifies the number of objects in the origin FeatureLayer related to the number of objects in the destination FeatureLayer. Please see the Desktop help for additional information on cardinality. |
GeometryEngineAreaUnit | Units for area measurement. Use one of the possible values listed below or any of the numeric codes for area units. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Used by Widgets. |
LengthUnit | Units for linear measurement. Use one of the possible values listed below or any of the numeric codes for linear units. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Used by Widgets. |
LinearUnit | A collection of units for measuring Linear distances. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript by the Geometry Engine. |
LocatorSearchLocationType | Defines the type of location, either street or rooftop, of the point returned from the World Geocoding Service. |
OrderBy | Specify ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) to control the order of the data. For example, in a data set of 10 values from 1 to 10, the percentile value for 0.9 with orderBy set to ascending (ASC) is 9, but when orderBy is set to descending (DESC) the result is 2. The default is ASC. |
OriginPosition | The integer’s coordinates will be returned relative to the origin position defined by this property value. |
QuantizationMode | Geometry coordinates are optimized for viewing and displaying of data. |
Role | Indicates whether the table participating in the relationship is the origin or destination table. |
SpatialRelationship | For spatial queries, this parameter defines the spatial relationship to query features in the layer or layer view against the input geometry. The spatial relationships discover how features are spatially related to each other. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript |
SqlFormat | This parameter can be either standard SQL92 standard or it can use the native SQL of the underlying datastore native. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for more information. |
StatisticType | Defines the type of statistic. |
TemporalTime | Temporal units. Used by TimeInterval on Feature Layers. ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Used by Feature Layer. |
dymaptic.GeoBlazor.Core.Serialization Namespace
Classes | |
DrawingToolStringConverter | Converts an enum to a kebab case string for serialization. Used with LabelPlacement which returns esriServerPointLabelPlacement from the ESRI JS. |
EnumToKebabCaseStringConverter<T> | Converts an enum to a kebab case string for serialization. |
LabelPlacementStringConverter | Converts an enum to a kebab case string for serialization. Used with LabelPlacement which returns esriServerPointLabelPlacement from the ESRI JS. |
TimeEnumToKebabCaseStringConverter<T> | Converts an enum to a kebab case string for serialization. Used with TimeInerval which returns esriTimeUnits from the ESRI JS. |