Custom Graphics

While many FeatureLayer and TileLayer services come pre-loaded with images, GeoBlazor also supports custom Graphics added to FeatureLayers, GraphicsLayers, and directly to the MapView.

Defining Graphics in Razor Markup

The simplest way to define custom graphics is using the Razor Component markup syntax. Below is an example of adding a single Graphic in Razor markup.

Note that iterating through collections in markup creates very poor performance and may cause crashing, especially in WebAssembly. See the C# example below for a better approach for multiple graphics.

<MapView @ref="_view" class="map-view" OnViewRendered="OnViewRendered">
    <Extent Xmin="-41525513" Ymin="4969181" Xmax="-36687355" Ymax="9024624">
        <SpatialReference Wkid="3857" />
    <Map ArcGISDefaultBasemap="arcgis-topographic">
                <Point Longitude="@_graphicPoint.Longitude" Latitude="@_graphicPoint.Latitude" />
                <SimpleMarkerSymbol Color="@(new MapColor("red"))" Size="6">
                    <Outline Color="@(new MapColor("white"))" />

Defining Graphics in C# Code

Both MapView and GraphicsLayer support programmatically adding graphics after the map view is rendered.

  1. GraphicsLayer.Add(graphic) and GraphicsLayer.Add(graphics) allows you to add single or multiple graphics to the layer.
await graphicsLayer.Add(new Graphic(new Point(-118.80500, 34.02700), new SimpleMarkerSymbol(new Outline(new MapColor("white"), new MapColor("red"))));
  1. MapView.AddGraphic(graphic) and MapView.AddGraphics(graphics) allows you to add single or multiple graphics to the map view.
await mapView.AddGraphic(new Graphic(new Point(-118.80500, 34.02700), new SimpleMarkerSymbol(new Outline(new MapColor("white"), new MapColor("red"))));

Both classes also support Remove and Clear methods to remove or clear all graphics from the layer.

Note that while you can define Graphics in a FeatureLayer via Razor Component markup, the FeatureLayer only supports altering the graphics collection (aka Source) after the map is rendered by using the ApplyEdits method.

Multiple Graphics in a Collection

For stable performance, always use MapView.AddGraphics(IEnumerable<Graphic> graphics) or GraphicsLayer.Add(IEnumerable<Graphic> graphics) to add collections of graphics, and do not define them in markup with a loop.

Altering a Rendered Graphic

Once a graphic is rendered, you can alter its Geometry, Symbol, Attributes, and PopupTemplate properties using Set methods. This will cause the graphic to re-render on the map, without having to be added and removed.

await graphic.SetGeometry(new Point
    Longitude = -118.80500,
    Latitude = 34.02700

await graphic.SetSymbol(new SimpleMarkerSymbol
    Color = new MapColor("red"),
    Size = 6,
    Outline = new SimpleLineSymbol
        Color = new MapColor("white")

await graphic.SetPopupTemplate(new PopupTemplate
    Title = "My Graphic",
    Content = "This is my graphic."


Graphic attributes are a key/value collection of data stored with the graphic. They can be displayed using a PopupTemplate or used to filter the FeatureLayer or GraphicsLayer source. Changes to attributes after first render should be achieved with the async methods on AttributeDictionary, AddOrUpdate, Remove, and Clear.

<Graphic @ref="_graphic" Attributes="_attributes" />

@code {
    private Graphic? _graphic;
    private AttributesDictionary _attributes = new AttributesDictionary(
        new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "Name", "My Graphic" },
            { "Description", "This is my graphic." }

    private async Task ChangeAttributes()
        await _attributes.AddOrUpdate("Name", "My New Graphic");
        // or
        await _graphic.Attributes.AddOrUpdate("Description", "This is my new graphic.");